Tuesday, March 23, 2010

WEEK OF MARCH 28, 2010

Well, folks! THIS IS IT!!! The final Dress Rehearsal for the 2010 Parkway Easter Pageant is this Wednesday, March 24th at 7:15p.m. sharp! Everyone should be in the Worship Center, in costume, ready to start as close to 7:15p.m. as possible. We will have prayer, share a few notes and run the entire presentation…hopefully without stopping! Please plan to stay until 9:30p.m.

Following is the schedule for this weekend:
Saturday, March 27, 2010
6:00 PM - Sound Check/Warm-Up
7:00 PM - 2010 Parkway Easter Pageant
Sunday, March 28, 2010
10:15 AM - Sound Check/Warm-Up
10:45 AM - 2010 Parkway Easter Pageant
Monday, March 29, 2010
5:00 PM – Dinner for cast and crew in Fellowship Hall
6:00 PM - Sound Check/Warm-Up
7:00 PM - 2010 Parkway Easter Pageant

Please take out as many posters, flyers and postcards as you can and invite as many folks as possible! Our mission here is to share the Gospel in a unique way that may reach someone we normally wouldn’t reach on a Sunday morning! INVITE EVERYONE!!!
Rehearsal Music for this Wednesday… (3/24)
Worship Music for this Sunday (listed below)

NOTE: We will have rehearsal on Wednesday, March 31st for Good Friday and Easter Sunday music.
Worship Music for this Sunday... (3/28)
Download the Sunday Service Order
All Hail The Power of Jesus Name – BH08 #687
Hosanna – BH08 #132
Blessed Be Your Name – BH08 #26
Please Forgive Me – Lion of Judah, Calvary’s Lamb book
You Are My King – BH08 #305
Worship Team for this Sunday... (3/28 – 8:15 SERVICE)
RED VOCAL TEAM & BAND @ 8:15 (wear red)
Dwayne S - piano
Susan T – string reduction
Scott B – electric guitar
Bobby B – electric/acoustic guitarJ
ohn K – bass
Neal C – drums
Elisha S – flute
Leslie L - trumpet
Daniel T - trumpet
Darrell P – baritone TC
Doug O – sound
Perry L – mediashout/lights
Angela T – television
Scripture for the Week…
The next day the great crowd that had come for the Feast heard that Jesus was on his way to Jerusalem. They took palm branches and went out to meet him, shouting, "Hosanna! Blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord! Blessed is the King of Israel!" – John 12:12-13 NIV
Song Text for this Week…
HOSANNA (Praise Is Rising)
CCLI Song No. 4662491
© 2005, 2006 Integrity's Hosanna! Music Thankyou Music
Brenton Brown Paul Baloche

Praise is rising
Eyes are turning to You
We turn to You
Hope is stirring
Hearts are yearning for You
We long for You

'Cause when we see You
We find strength to face the day
In Your presence
All our fears are washed away
Washed away

Hosanna hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here Lord Jesus

Hear the sound of
Hearts returning to You
We turn to You
In Your kingdom
Broken lives are made new
You make us new

'Cause when we see You
We find strength to face the day
In Your presence
All our fears are washed away
Washed away

Hosanna hosanna
You are the God who saves us
Worthy of all our praises
Hosanna hosanna
Come have Your way among us
We welcome You here Lord Jesus
Upcoming Service Orders...
Click on a date to download the PDF.
Mar 28 Apr 4
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Have A Wonderful Week!