Thursday, May 28, 2009

WEEK OF MAY 31, 2009

Our Night of Worship with FBC Mt. Washington is this Sunday evening, May 31st, at FBC Mt. Washington. Here is the schedule for Sunday afternoon:

3:45p.m. – Rhythm Section rehearsal at FBC (all guitars, keyboards & drums - bring your own ear buds or headphones to plug into their Aviom system)
4:15p.m. – Horns & Woodwinds set up and tune
4:30p.m. – Choir in the loft and ready to sing
5:30p.m. – Open doors for congregation
6:00p.m. – A Night of Worship begins
7:00p.m. – Fellowship with FBC (They’re feeding us this time!)

Those Worship Choir Members who have signed up to ride the Parkway Bus should be ready to pull out of Parkway’s parking lot at 3:45p.m. We cannot leave any later than that, so please be ON TIME!!!
Worship Music for this Sunday… (5/31)
Download UPDATED service order here.
Open the Eyes of My Heart – MSPW2 #57
All Hail The Power of Jesus’ Name – HPW #19
Call Upon The Name of the Lord – God is Here book
On My Knees – Experiencing God The Musical book (solo w/ band)
Come Just As You Are – BH08 #791
That’s Why We Praise Him – BH08 #218

Team for this Sunday… (5/31)
GREEN VOCAL TEAM & BAND at 8.15am – wear green
Susan S - piano
Cindy E – string reduction
Bobby B – acoustic guitar
Scott B – electric guitar
John K – bass
Neal C – drums
Callie E – flute
Sheila K – oboe
Leslie L – trumpet
Daniel T - trumpet
Darrell P – baritone TC
Doug O – sound (am)
Greg M – mediashout/lights (am)
Angela T – television (am)

Scripture for the Week…
Exalt the LORD our God and worship at his footstool; he is holy. Moses and Aaron were among his priests, Samuel was among those who called on his name; they called on the LORD and he answered them. He spoke to them from the pillar of cloud; they kept his statutes and the decrees he gave them. - Psalm 99:5-7 (NIV)

Text for the Week…
Call Upon The Name of the Lord
by Jeffrey S. Ferguson and Regi Stone
© 2004 Jeff Ferguson Music/Experience Worship Music/Belden Street Music Publishing

Call upon the Name of the Lord
Have faith in His Name
Jesus is the Name we adore
Let's all just call
Call upon the Name of the Lord

Jesus Jesus
Give Him praise call His Name
Jesus Jesus Jesus

Call upon the Name of the Lord
Have faith in His Name
Jesus is the Name we adore
Let's all just call
Call upon the Name of the Lord
Upcoming Worship Music…
Click the date to download the Sunday service worksheet:
May 31 Jun 7 Jun 14 Jun 21 Jun 28 Jul 5
Vocal Team & Media Ministry Schedules…
You can download them here:
Vocal Team Schedule
Sound & MediaShout Team Schedule (UPDATED)
TV Team Schedule
Upcoming Worship Ministry Schedule…
Sunday, May 31
7.40 a Worship music run through
8.15 a Morning Worship
8.30 a Bible Study
10.45 a Morning Worship
3.45 p Rhythm section rehearsal at Mt. Washington
3:45 p Bus leaves from Parkway for Mt. Washington
4.30 p Worship Choir & Band Rehearsal at Mt. Washington
6.00 p A Night of Worship with FBC Mt. Washington
7.00 p Pot-luck Fellowship with FBC Mt. Washington

Wednesday, June 3
6.00 p KidZone Choir Rehearsal
6.00 p Worship Team Rehearsal
6.30 p RA/GA Recognition Service

Thursday, June 4
6.30 p Worship Planning Team

Sunday, June 7
7.40 a Worship music run through
8.15 a Morning Worship
8.30 a Bible Study
10.45 a Morning Worship
4.30 p Worship Band Rehearsal
5.00 p Worship Choir Rehearsal
Vocal Team Auditions are coming in July. Dates will be announced soon. Vocal Team members must be active Worship Choir Members. The audition will consist of a questionnaire and voice assessment that will aid our selection team in placing members on a team. We currently have four teams that lead worship on Sundays at 8:15a.m. Vocal Team members are also asked to lead special services as needed.

It’s time to start praying about serving in one of our Media Ministries. We need a few additional lighting, video and television technicians for Sunday morning and Wednesday evening services. If you would like to help, please contact Jeff Lutz.

It’s time to register for the
2009 Christ Church Music & Worship Conference. This year the conference will feature Travis Cottrell, Tommy Walker, Bradley Knight, Landy and Joy Gardner, The Christ Church Choir, and many, many more. There will be workshops for choir, vocal team, band, drama, tech, children’s choir, song writing, arranging, etc. Click here to download the complete list of workshops. Registration is now available online. If you are planning to attend, please click here to register yourself. After you are registered, please let me know so I can reserve enough rooms.

Thursday, July 30th at 7:00p.m. Admission is $10 and proceeds will go to benefit Bluegrass Christian Academy. A mass choir made up of Parkway and FBC Mt. Washington Choir members will sing ‘backup’ on several songs. If you would like to sing in the mass choir, plan to attend choir rehearsal on Sunday, June 7th at 5:00p.m.
Parkway Links…
Parkway Online
Worship Ministry on Facebook
Worship Ministry Blog
Sermons Online
Sermon Videos
Have A Wonderful Week!